
Estimation of scots pine cytogenetic parameters under the conditions of industrial air pollution in European boreal forests

Ecotoxicology (London, England)(2023)

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Cytogenetic studies of Pinus sylvestris seed progeny have been carried out for the first time in the Murmansk region of Russia. Seeds were collected in the territory of 6 district forestries: Zelenoborsky, Kovdorsky, Kandalakshsky, Zasheikovsky, Umbsky and Nickelsky, which were at different distances from large copper-nickel plants. Analysis revealed higher S, Cu, and Ni content in Pinus sylvestris tree seeds from the Zasheikovsky and Nickelsky district forestries. Seeds from the Zelenoborsky district forestry had a higher Cu content (13.6 ± 0.5 mg/kg) compared to other areas. It was found that the frequency of mitotic pathologies in all areas of the study exceeded the level of spontaneous mutation in 5%. The most frequent aberrant cells were registered in the root meristem of seedlings from the Zasheikovsky district forestry, and their proportion averaged 9.4 ± 1.3% of the total number of cells studied at the metaphase and ana-telophase of mitosis stages. In Pinus sylvestris seedlings, micronuclei were noted in the cells at the interphase stage, often varying on average from 0.2 ± 0.1% in plants from the Kandalakshsky district forestry to 0.9 ± 0.3% from the Zasheikovsky district forestry. The data obtained testify to the colossal impact of heavy metals on the living organism cell genetic apparatus. The negative effect from industries, as sources of air pollutants, extends over tens of kilometers. Therefore, regularly monitoring the cytogenetic parameters of bioindicators such as Pinus sylvestris is necessary.
Pathologies of mitosis,Micronucleus test,Polyploidy,Heavy metals,Pinus sylvestris
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