Use of ten-group Robson Classification in Tiirkiye to discuss cesarean section trends


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to analyze and discuss the obstetric data of Tiirkiye in 2016 according to the Robson 10 Group Classification System.METHODS: Data related to classification according to The 10-Group Classification System were prospectively collected in university hospitals, private hospitals and public hospitals in 2016 in Tiirkiye. All pregnant women admitted to labour and delivery wards were included in the study and were classified according to the Robson classification.RESULTS: According to 2016 data in Tiirkiye, 649,212 of 1,189,578 deliveries were performed by cesarean section and the rate of cesarean section in overall was 54.6%. The cesarean section rates were 38.6%, 68.9%, 70.6%, in public hospitals, university hospitals, private hospitals, respectively (P<0.001). Robson 1 and 2 groups constitute 33.4%, Robson 3 and 4 groups 30.4% and of Robson 5 group 25.1% of all births. The contribution rate of the Robson 5 group to the cesarean section burden is 24.3/54.6%.CONCLUSIONS: Tiirkiye 2016 cesarean section data revealed the necessity of taking initiatives (establishing vaginal birth clinics after cesarean, developing clinical protocols, providing physical and emotional support) to reduce the cesarean section burdens seen in Robson 1, 2 and 5 groups.
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Methods, Obstetrics, Retrospective studies
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