
Measurement of the e-Nucleus Charged-Current Double-Differential Cross Section at ?E?=2.4 GeV Using NOvA

M. A. Acero,P. Adamson,L. Aliaga,N. Anfimov,A. Antoshkin,E. Arrieta-Diaz,L. Asquith,A. Aurisano,A. Back,M. Baird,N. Balashov,P. Baldi,B. A. Bambah,S. Bashar,K. Bays,R. Bernstein,V. Bhatnagar,D. Bhattarai,B. Bhuyan,J. Bian,A. C. Booth,R. Bowles,B. Brahma,C. Bromberg,N. Buchanan,A. Butkevich,S. Calvez,T. J. Carroll,E. Catano-Mur,S. Childress,A. Chatla,R. Chirco,B. C. Choudhary,A. Christensen,T. E. Coan,M. Colo,L. Cremonesi,G. S. Davies,P. F. Derwent,P. Ding,Z. Djurcic,M. Dolce,D. Doyle,D. Duenas Tonguino,E. C. Dukes,R. Ehrlich,M. Elkins,E. Ewart,G. J. Feldman,P. Filip,J. Franc,M. J. Frank,H. R. Gallagher,R. Gandrajula,F. Gao,A. Giri,R. A. Gomes,M. C. Goodman,V. Grichine,M. Groh,R. Group,B. Guo,A. Habig,F. Hakl,A. Hall,J. Hartnell,R. Hatcher,H. Hausner,M. He,K. Heller,V. Hewes,A. Himmel,B. Jargowsky,J. Jarosz,F. Jediny,C. Johnson,M. Judah,I. Kakorin,D. M. Kaplan,A. Kalitkina,R. Keloth,O. Klimov,L. W. Koerner,L. Kolupaeva,S. Kotelnikov,R. Kralik,Ch. Kullenberg,M. Kubu,A. Kumar,C. D. Kuruppu,V. Kus,T. Lackey,K. Lang,P. Lasorak,J. Lesmeister,S. Lin,A. Lister, J. Liu,M. Lokajicek,J. M. C. Lopez,R. Mahji,S. Magill,M. Manrique Plata,W. A. Mann,M. T. Manoharan,M. L. Marshak,M. Martinez-Casales,V. Matveev,B. Mayes,M. D. Messier,H. Meyer,T. Miao,V. Mikola,W. H. Miller,S. Mishra,S. R. Mishra,A. Mislivec,R. Mohanta,A. Moren,A. Morozova,W. Mu,L. Mualem,M. Muether,K. Mulder,D. Naples,A. Nath,N. Nayak,S. Nelleri,J. K. Nelson,R. Nichol,E. Niner,A. Norman,A. Norrick,T. Nosek,H. Oh,A. Olshevskiy,T. Olson,J. Ott,A. Pal,J. Paley,L. Panda,R. B. Patterson,G. Pawloski,O. Petrova,R. Petti,D. D. Phan,R. K. Plunkett,A. Pobedimov,J. C. C. Porter,A. Rafique,L. R. Prais,V. Raj,M. Rajaoalisoa,B. Ramson,B. Rebel,P. Rojas,P. Roy,V. Ryabov,O. Samoylov,M. C. Sanchez,S. Sanchez Falero,P. Shanahan,S. Shukla,A. Sheshukov,I. Singh,P. Singh,V. Singh,E. Smith,J. Smolik,P. Snopok,N. Solomey,A. Sousa,K. Soustruznik,M. Strait,L. Suter,A. Sutton,S. Swain,C. Sweeney,A. Sztuc,R. L. Talaga,B. Tapia Oregui,P. Tas,B. N. Temizel,T. Thakore,R. B. Thayyullathil, J. Thomas,E. Tiras,J. Tripathi,J. Trokan-Tenorio,Y. Torun,J. Urheim,P. Vahle,Z. Vallari,J. Vasel,T. Vrba,M. Wallbank,T. K. Warburton,M. Wetstein,D. Whittington,D. A. Wickremasinghe,T. Wieber,J. Wolcott,W. Wu,Y. Xiao,B. Yaeggy,A. Yallappa Dombara,A. Yankelevich,K. Yonehara,S. Yu,Y. Yu,S. Zadorozhnyy,J. Zalesak, Y. Zhang,R. Zwaska


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The inclusive electron neutrino charged-current cross section is measured in the NOvA near detector using 8.02 x 10(20) protons-on-target in the NuMI beam. The sample of GeVelectron neutrino interactions is the largest analyzed to date and is limited by similar or equal to 17% systematic rather than the similar or equal to 7.4% statistical uncertainties. The double-differential cross section in final-state electron energy and angle is presented for the first time, together with the single-differential dependence on Q(2) (squared four-momentum transfer) and energy, in the range 1 GeV = E-nu < 6 GeV. Detailed comparisons are made to the predictions of the GENIE, GiBUU, NEUT, and NuWro neutrino event generators. The data do not strongly favor a model over the others consistently across all three cross sections measured, though some models have especially good or poor agreement in the single differential cross section vs Q(2).
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