Investigation of Occupational Accidents in Mining with Survival Analysis

Beril Bayraktar,Hakan Uyguçgil,Adnan Konuk


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Mining is one of the industries with the highest risk of occupational accidents in Turkey and globally. The most important feature that distinguishes the mining industry from other sectors is the constantly changing working conditions. The risk of accidents is very high, especially in underground mining, and can happen for several reasons. Therefore, it is essential to carry out all necessary measures in coordination with other disciplines to adapt to changing workplace conditions. The dangers that might occur underground must be determined in advance, controlled at their source, or eliminated since it is critical to take the necessary precautions before the accident. Accident prevention will protect miners’ living conditions by contributing to the country’s economy through reduced labour and production losses. In this research, the data from 13,653 accidents reported in the Karadon Hard Coal Enterprise between 2000 and 2011 were analysed and compared using the Life Table and the Kaplan-Meier methods. Accident records were classified and analysed into four categories: environmental-related accidents, equipment-related accidents, person-related accidents, and other accidents. Findings in terms of survival time indicate that environment-related and person-related accidents had the highest risk in Karadon, with equipment-related accidents having the lowest. This study established the reliability of using survival analysis methods to investigate occupational accidents in the mining sector. Given that environment-related and person-related accidents occur in a relatively short period, such as 1 year after starting work, it has been recommended that research be done to improve workplace and occupational safety measures and broaden the training given to miners. Additionally, it has been determined that increasing the use of automation and mechanisation in underground coal mines, combined with developing a thorough equipment safety training programme to raise awareness of the danger, can help prevent person-related occupational accidents caused by the interaction between equipment.
Occupational accident,Survival analysis,Survival time,Life Table method,Kaplan-Meier method
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