Futures, speculations and designs for other possible horizons


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The article presents a review, reflection and rethinking of future(s) studies in the context of a terracide motivated mainly by the capitalocene. This is based on a limited conception of the imaginary futures present in our society(ies), characterized by a tech no-determinist tendency, calling into question the monofuturism. Therefore, is manifested the role of speculation, imagination, and critical designs as a referential framework to reclaim our future(s). In this path, six ramifications of ethnofuturisms are described as cultural, comparative, and contextual spaces from cultural and artistic movements. Opening the discussion broadly to consider speculative design, scientific fiction, and the fictionalization of alternate knowledge systems as fertile space for pluriversal futures much more than human.
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Future studies,speculative design,right to imagination,science fiction,pluriversal futures
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