SACA-fusion: a low-light fusion architecture of infrared and visible images based on self- and cross-attention


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Visible-infrared image fusion cannot only reveal respective features of multiband imaging but also combine complementary information. It thus highlights salient information that cannot be directly obtained from a single waveband and enhances scene detection and perception. However, low-light condition for special scenarios, i.e., underground coal mine, impacts the performance of visible-infrared image fusion as they lead to lower contrast for visible light images and loss of local details. In this respect, we propose an infrared and visible image fusion architecture in low-light conditions based on self- and cross-attention (SACA-Fusion). This architecture replaces traditional fusion approaches with a transformer-based fusion network. It better extracts long-range dependencies of images and improves space recovery of fused images. The architecture has an attention mechanism composed of two modules. The self-attention module achieves global interaction and fusion of features and reduces loss in local details; the cross-attention module in nest connect enhances features in low-light conditions and achieves low-contrast space recovery. In the experiment part, through ablation, we confirm that the wonderful fusion strategy is transformer module, rather than RFN or directly connecting. Then, based on comparison experiments on TNO and LLVIP datasets, it is shown that the better fusion performance of the proposed one under some evaluation indicators. Especially in the actual low-light condition, the improvement of the fusion effect is commendable.
Visible-infrared image fusion,Low light,Self-attention module,Cross-attention module,Transformer module
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