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Focal Mechanism and Regional Fault Activity Analysis of 2022 Luding Strong Earthquake Constraint by InSAR and Its Inversion

Wenshu Peng,Xuri Huang,Zegen Wang


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On 5 September 2022, an Ms6.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Luding County, Sichuan Province, China. Based on Sentinel-1 SAR images, this paper uses the D-InSAR approach to obtain the displacement field of the earthquake, invert the coseismic sliding distribution, and then calculate the static coulomb stress changes of the coseismic deformation on the aftershock distribution and surrounding faults. Further, the seismic structure is analyzed and discussed. The InSAR coseismic deformation field demonstrates that the maximum LoS displacement of the surface deformation caused by the Luding earthquake is about 15 cm. The Luding Ms 6.8 earthquake is dominated by the Moxi fault, which is a left-lateral strike-slip fault that ruptures along the NNW-SSE trend at about 160.3 degrees, and the dip is 81 degrees. The fault depth is mainly 5 similar to 15 km, the maximum sliding amount is about 174.8 cm, and the corresponding depth is 8.5 km. The seismic moment tensor obtained by inversion is 1.06 x 10(19) Nm, Mw = 6.65. The Coulomb stress generated by the Luding earthquake on the northern end of the Anninghe fault zone exceeded the trigger threshold. The risk of the Anninghe fault's future earthquake was greater, and continuous monitoring and risk assessment were required.
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Key words
luding strong earthquake constraint,regional fault activity analysis,insar
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