Chimeric Hla Antibody Receptor T Cells for Targeted Therapy of Antibody Mediated Rejection in Transplantation

S. Betriu Mendez,J. Rovira,C. Arana, A. Garcia-Busquets, M. J. Ramire-Bajo,E. Banon-Maneus,M. Lazo-Rodriguez, A. Bartolo-Ibars,F. H. Claas,A. Mulder,S. Heidt,M. Juan, B. Bayes-Genis,J. M. Campistol,E. Palou,F. Diekmann


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The presence of donor-specific antibodies (DSA), mainly against HLA, increases the risk of allograft rejection. Moreover, antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) remains an important barrier to optimal long-term outcomes after solid organ transplantation. The development of chimeric autoantibody receptor T lymphocytes has been postulated for targeted therapy of autoimmune diseases. We aimed to develop a targeted therapy for DSA desensitization and ABMR, generating T cells with a chimeric HLA antibody receptor (CHAR) that specifically eliminates DSA-producing B cells. We have genetically engineered an HLA-A2-specific CHAR (A2-CHAR) and transduced it into human T cells. Then, we have performed in vitro experiments such as cytokine measurement, effector cell activation, and cytotoxicity against anti-HLA-A2 antibody-expressing target cells. In addition, we have performed A2-CHAR-Tc cytotoxic assays in an immunodeficient mouse model. A2-CHAR expressing T cells could selectively eliminate HLA-A2 antibody-producing B cells in vitro. The cytotoxic capacity of A2-CHAR expressing T cells mainly depended on Granzyme B release. In the NSG mouse model, A2-CHAR-T cells could identify and eradicate HLA-A2 antibody-producing B cells even when those cells are localized in the bone marrow. This ability is effector:target ratio dependent. CHAR technology generates potent and functional human cytotoxic T cells to target alloreactive HLA class I antibody-producing B cells. Thus, we consider that CHAR technology may be used as a selective desensitization protocol or an ABMR therapy in transplantation.
ABMR therapy, antibody-producing B cells, chimeric HLA antibody receptor T cells (CHAR-Tc), desensitization protocol, donor-specific antibodies, HLA-sensitized patients
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