Incomes of roe deer management in the hunting grounds of central serbia

Marija Popovic, Hristo Mihaylov, Nikola Mihajlovic,Zoran Popovic


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the total breeding stock market in 2021/2022, an estimate of the value of the stock of this type of game, the culling value and income per 100 ha of total hunting areas of all hunting grounds in Central Serbia. This research covered the roe deer breeding stock in the hunting grounds of central Serbia. Based on the analysis, the directions and possibilities for increasing the income in all hunting areas of Serbia has been considered. The assessment of the value of the roe deer breeding stock was determined according to the Rulebook (Official Gazette, No. 18/19), while the income from roe deer culling was calculated using the market price list given by the Hunting Association of Serbia for 2021/2022. It was determined that the value of the male roe deer stock is 6.506.000 pound, while the value of the female and offspring stock is approximately 3.615.000 pound. Total income of culled game in 2017/2018 was 480.626 pound, while the income per 100 ha of the total area of all hunting areas is 9 pound. The highest total income is generated by the Central Hunting ground and it amounts to 191.785 pound. In order to achieve a higher profit from the management of roe deer at the hunting grounds of central Serbia, it is necessary to completely fulfill the planned culling with an increased inclusion of roebucks that have higher trophy mass.
roe deer, culling, economic aspects, income, Serbia
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