An Efficient Public Key Encryption With Set Equality Test

Xu Zhang,Sha Ma,Chengyu Jiang, Pan Zhou

2023 7th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP)(2023)

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Users can compare the equality of two encryption texts encrypted by different public keys in the public key encryption with equality test (PKEET) scheme. And the encryption texts do not have to be decrypted. Actually, users may need to verify the equality of two ciphertext sets. A trivial solution using typical PKEET scheme is testing two ciphertexts respectively from two sets and repeating multiple times until all ciphertexts are tested. Obviously, the above solution not only spends a lot of time, but also discloses the equality between any two ciphertexts in the two sets. For fear of the aforementioned issue, we propose an efficient public key encryption with set equality test (PKE-SET). PKE-SET does not use expensive bilinear pairings. Experimental results indicate that, compared to other PKEET schemes, our PKE-SET has higher computational efficiency and only our PKE-SET does not disclose the equality between any two ciphertexts.
ciphertext sets,public key encryption,equality test
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