Virtual Science is a New Scientific Paradigm

2023 IEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM)(2023)

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Researchers speculate on the long-term effects of wearable virtual reality and augmented reality headsets on the global information society. The evolution of virtuality through its various stages is discussed. Today's views of social life, i.e. virtualized society, virtual realities, virtual images, and their impact on today's social processes are widely explained. The obstacles faced by today's youth when faced with virtual realities are discussed. The issue of the effect of the development of science and technology on the process of turning virtual images into reality on people's worldview was studied. It was deeply analyzed that virtualistics is a new philosophical direction, a new scientific paradigm. The article philosophically analyses the concept of the combination of virtuality and real life to create a healthy social environment
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Key words
virtuality,cognition,epistemology,virtual reality,virtual image,information,society,social service,determinant,factor,social work
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