Logic operations of magnetic-skyrmion chirality via a branched nanowire

2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers)(2023)

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We report on AND operation using magnetic-skyrmion chiralities for realizing binary logic circuit device via micromagntic simulations. The AND operation is confirmed by two skyrmions with independent chiralities move and disappear at a branched nanowire under the application of spin-orbit torque (SOT) and spin-transfer torque (STT). The circuit can be operated at various branch angle (ϕ) where the magnitude of spin Hall angle (θ Η ) and current density (j) are 0.15 rad and 0.5~0.6 TA/m 2 , respectively, regardless of the chiralies of skyrmions. The maximum AND operating margin is obtained at θ Η = 0.11~0.12 rad and j = 0.6~1.0 TA/m 2 at ϕ = 60°. Our method can be used as a fundamental building block for fully electrical operation in logic devices using the chirality of skyrmions as a data bit.
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Key words
magnetic skyrmion,chirality,spin-orbit torque,spin-transfer torque,logic operation,micromagnetic simulation
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