Generation of a radially polarized beam in a polycrystalline ceramic Yb:Lu 2 O 3 thin-disk laser

Applied Physics B(2023)

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We report on the generation of a continuous-wave (CW) radially polarized beam with an Yb:Lu 2 O 3 polycrystalline ceramic disk in a thin-disk laser (TDL) oscillator. A circular grating-waveguide mirror (CGWM) with a high polarization discrimination given by a reflectivity difference between the two orthogonal polarization states of 44.6% was used as a polarization-selective cavity end-mirror. An output power of 175 W was achieved with an optical efficiency of 39.6%. A high degree of radial polarization of 96.2% and a beam propagation factor of M 2 hor. = 2.05 and M 2 ver. = 2.32 were measured at the maximum output power.
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polycrystalline ceramic yblu2o3,laser,thin-disk
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