New showers identified among meteors observed in the UAE

Experimental Astronomy(2023)

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In an effort to map our meteor showers, a total of 76,765 meteoroids were triangulated by the United Arab Emirates Astronomical Camera Network between 01 January 2017 and 31 December 2021 as part of the global Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance network. The calculated meteoroid orbits were analyzed by a newly developed user-friendly software to identify potential new meteor showers. The software is designed to run in three different modes that assign orbits to either a known shower, to any of the previously reported meteor showers listed in the IAU Working List of Meteor Showers, while the remainder of orbits are linked to find newly defined meteor showers using one of three Discriminant-criterion methods. 12 new meteors showers were identified and added to the IAU Working List, most of which identify the hitherto unknown debris streams of Jupiter-family comets.
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