Seismic Coherence Attribute Based on Eigenvectors and Its Application.

IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.(2023)

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The seismic coherence attribute is one of the most typically used seismic discontinuity feature detection technologies, which is widely used in fault detection, channel boundary characterization, and other occasions. The eigen-structure-based coherence algorithm possesses the property of stability by using the eigenvalues of seismic data's covariance matrix, but in the algorithm, only the eigenvalues are used to calculate the final coherence value, and the information contained in eigenvectors is ignored. Through analysis, it is found that the elements in the eigenvectors represent the energy differences of seismic traces. By directly measuring the difference of different elements in an eigenvector, the energy differences between different seismic records can be effectively measured. Since the seismic data on both sides of some discontinuous boundaries, such as channel boundaries, principally show amplitude differences, the coherence properties based on eigenvectors can better characterize them. Through theoretical analysis, model testing, and case application, this letter illustrates the reliability of the proposed algorithm.
Coherence attribute, discontinuous features, eigenvalue, eigenvector, third generation of coherence (C3)
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