NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results.

Longguang Wang,Yulan Guo,Yingqian Wang,Juncheng Li,Shuhang Gu,Radu Timofte,Ming Cheng,Haoyu Ma,Qiufang Ma,Xiaopeng Sun,Shijie Zhao,Xuhan Sheng,Yukang Ding,Ming Sun,Xing Wen,Dafeng Zhang,Jia Li,Fan Wang,Zheng Xie,Zongyao He,Zidian Qiu,Zilin Pan,Zhihao Zhan,Xingyuan Xian,Zhi Jin,Yuanbo Zhou,Wei Deng, Ruofeng Nie,Jiajun Zhang,Qinquan Gao,Tong Tong,Kexin Zhang,Junpei Zhang,Rui Peng,Yanbiao Ma,Licheng Jiao,Haoran Bai,Lingshun Kong,Jinshan Pan,Jiangxin Dong,Jinhui Tang,Pu Cao, Tianrui Huang,Lu Yang,Qing Song, Bingxin Chen,Chunhua He,Meiyun Chen,Zijie Guo,Shaojuan Luo,Chengzhi Cao,Kunyu Wang,Fanrui Zhang,Qiang Zhang,Nancy Mehta,Subrahmanyam Murala,Akshay Dudhane,Yujin Wang,Lingen Li,Garas Gendy,Nabil Sabor,Jingchao Hou,Guanghui He,Junyang Chen,Hao Li,Yukai Shi,Zhijing Yang,Wenbin Zou,Yunchen Zhang,Mingchao Jiang, Zhongxin Yu,Ming Tan,Hongxia Gao,Ziwei Luo,Fredrik K. Gustafsson,Zheng Zhao,Jens Sjölund,Thomas B. Schön,Jingxiang Chen,Bo Yang, XiSheryl Zhang,Chenghua Li, Weijun Yuan,Zhan Li, Ruting Deng, Jintao Zeng, Pulkit Mahajan,Sahaj Mistry,Shreyas Chatterjee,Vinit Jakhetiya,Badri N. Subudhi,Sunil Prasad Jaiswal,Zhao Zhang,Huan Zheng,Suiyi Zhao,Yangcheng Gao,Yanyan Wei,Bo Wang,Gen Li,Aijin Li,Lei Sun, Ke Chen,Congling Tang,Yunzhe Li,Jun Chen,Yuan-Chun Chiang,Yi-Chung Chen,Zhi-Kai Huang,Hao-Hsiang Yang,I-Hsiang Chen,Sy-Yen Kuo, Yiheng Wang, Gang Zhu,Xingyi Yang,Songhua Liu,Yongcheng Jing, Xingyu Hu,Jianwen Song,Changming Sun,Arcot Sowmya,Seung Ho Park, Xiaoyan Lei, Jingchao Wang, Chenbo Zhai, Yufei Zhang, Weifeng Cao,Wenlong Zhang

CVPR Workshops(2023)

引用 32|浏览109
This paper summarizes the 2nd NTIRE challenge on stereo image super-resolution (SR) with a focus on new solutions and results. The task of the challenge is to super-resolve a low-resolution stereo image pair to a high-resolution one with a magnification factor of ×4. Compared with single image SR, the major challenge of this challenge lies in how to exploit additional information in another viewpoint and how to maintain stereo consistency in the results. This challenge has 3 tracks, including one track on distortion (e.g., PSNR) and bicubic degradation, one track on perceptual quality (e.g., LPIPS) and bicubic degradation, as well as another track on real degradations. In total, 175, 93, and 103 participants were successfully registered for each track, respectively. In the test phase, 21, 17, and 12 teams successfully submitted results with PSNR (RGB) scores better than the baseline. This challenge establishes a new benchmark for stereo image SR.
2nd NTIRE challenge,low-resolution stereo image pair,NTIRE 2023 challenge,single image SR,stereo consistency,stereo image SR,stereo image super-resolution
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