Real-Time Graph-Based Optimization for GNSS-Doppler Integrated RTK-GNSS/IMU/DR Positioning System in Urban Area.


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Autonomous driving of vehicles and robots requires highly accurate position information, and RTK-GNSS is expected to be utilized for this purpose. In this paper, we propose a robust and real-time operation method by introducing graph optimization into the integrated RTK-GNSS/IMU method. The proposed method is an extension of a method using vehicle trajectories that can estimate positions with lane-level accuracy even in urban areas. The position is estimated by removing GNSS multipaths from the shape of a vehicle trajectory of several hundred meters and averaging the remaining GNSS results. This method does not take into account the errors in the vehicle trajectory and cannot fully benefit from the high accuracy positioning solution of RTK-GNSS. To solve this problem, we introduce graph optimization to the base method, which treats the error state as a probabilistic model. However, general graph optimization methods have problems with processing time and outlier elimination. The proposed method solves these problems by restricting the time series data to be optimized and using a two-step optimization structure. Evaluations show that the proposed method is effective because it satisfies the requirements for real-time operation and improves accuracy compared to conventional methods.
RTK-GNSS/IMU,Graph Optimization,multipath,Localization,outlier removal
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