COLTI: Towards Concurrent and Co-located DNN Training and Inference


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Deep learning models are extensively used in a wide range of domains, e.g., scientific simulations, predictions, and modeling. However, training these dense networks is both compute and memory intensive, and typically requires accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). While such DNN workloads consume a major proportion of the limited onboard high-bandwidth memory (HBM), they typically underutilize the GPU compute resources. In such scenarios, the idle compute resources on the GPU can be leveraged to run pending jobs that can either be (1) accommodated on the remainder HBM, or (2) can share memory resources with other concurrent workloads. However, state-of-the-art workload schedulers and DNN runtimes are not designed to leverage HBM co-location to improve resource utilization and throughput. In this work, we propose COLTI, which introduces a set of novel techniques to solve the aforementioned challenges by co-locating DNN training and inference on memory-constrained GPU devices. Our preliminary evaluations of three different DNN models implemented in the PyTorch framework demonstrate up to 37% and 40% improvement in makespan and memory utilization, respectively.
Systems in AI,GPU,Shared Memory,Neural Networks,Job Scheduler,Deep Learning
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