A Dynamic Simulation of a Compliant Worm Robot Amenable to Neural Control.

Living Machines (1)(2023)

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This paper details the development and validation of a dynamic 3D compliant worm-like robot model controlled by a Synthetic Nervous System (SNS). The model was built and simulated in the physics engine Mujoco which is able to approximate soft bodied dynamics and generate contact, gravitational, frictional, and internal forces. These capabilities allow the model to realistically simulate the movements and dynamic behavior of a physical soft-bodied worm-robot. For validation, the results of this simulation were compared to data gathered from a physical worm robot and found to closely match key behaviors such as deformation propagation along the compliant structure and actuator efficiency losses in the middle segments. The SNS controller was previously developed for a simple 2D kinematic model and has been successfully implemented on this 3D model with little alteration. It uses coupled oscillators to generate coordinated actuator control signals and induce peristaltic locomotion. This model will be useful for analyzing dynamic effects during peristaltic locomotion like contact forces and slip as well as developing and improving control algorithms that avoid unwanted slip.
compliant worm robot amenable,neural control,dynamic simulation
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