Locality Sensitive Hashing for Network Traffic Fingerprinting.

Nowfel Mashnoor,Jay Thom, Abdur Rouf,Shamik Sengupta,Batyr Charyyev


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The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought forth additional intricacies and difficulties to computer networks. These gadgets are particularly susceptible to cyber-attacks because of their simplistic design. Therefore, it is crucial to recognise these devices inside a network for the purpose of network administration and to identify any harmful actions. Network traffic fingerprinting is a crucial technique for identifying devices and detecting anomalies. Currently, the predominant methods for this depend heavily on machine learning (ML). Nevertheless, machine learning (ML) methods need the selection of features, adjustment of hyperparameters, and retraining of models to attain optimal outcomes and provide resilience to concept drifts detected in a network. In this research, we suggest using locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) for network traffic fingerprinting as a solution to these difficulties. Our study focuses on examining several design options for the Nilsimsa LSH function. We then use this function to create unique fingerprints for network data, which may be used to identify devices. We also compared it with ML-based traffic fingerprinting and observed that our method increases the accuracy of state-of-the-art by 12 a network.
Network Traffic Fingerprinting,Locality-Sensitive Hashing,Device Identification,Internet of Things
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