Medical Test Results Management System Based on Blockchain, Smart Contracts, and NFT Technologies.


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The current diagnostic and treatment process is highly dependent on the results of medical tests (i.e., current and past addiction tests). This information directly affects the doctor’s decisions regarding the treatment regimen for each disease and the patient’s condition. However, current centralized storage methods pose a major barrier for patients (i.e., changing medical facilities). Medical information is extremely private and affects the patient directly if left unprotected, so it is constrained to retrieve this information from another treatment facility. Many previous approaches have proposed a decentralized storage model based on blockchain, smart contracts technologies to solve the above problems. However, the security of personal information is a potential risk for the above systems due to the openness of data stored on the chain. Based on the above limitations, we propose the NFT combination model to create document sets based on test results for easy sharing by patients in the medical environment.
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blockchain,smart contracts,medical,test,results
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