Towards a Cash-on-Delivery System Based on Blockchain Technology for Developing Countries: A Case Study in Vietnam.


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Cargo transport patterns have played an extremely important role in the economic development of a region or a country. For developing countries, this model faces many risks affecting the interests of sellers and buyers. In Vietnam (i.e., the case study model in this study), traditional freight transport models are based on three methods, i.e., postal system, shipping company, or commercial platform electronic. However, the above models are all dependent on the shipping company (i.e., third party). If there is a conflict (e.g., loss of goods), it is difficult to determine who is responsible (i.e., seller, buyer, or carrier). Because of these risks, developing countries need to adopt a model of freight transport that ensures the interests of the parties involved (i.e., the seller and the buyer). In this article, we aim at a freight model that applies Blockchain technology and Smart contracts to eliminate risks from traditional models. The main contribution of this paper consists of three aspects: (a) proposes a model of cargo management and transportation based on Blockchain technology and Smart contract applied to Vietnam to replace the traditional shipping model; (b) implement the proposed model (i.e., proof-of-concept) on the Hyperledger Fabric platform; (c) evaluate the proposed model against the Hyperledger Caliper platform.
blockchain technology,vietnam,cash-on-delivery
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