Saliva sampling strategies affecting the salivary glucose measurement

Xia Qian, Anthony Ko,Haifeng Li,Caizhi Liao

Analytical methods : advancing methods and applications(2023)

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Characterized by sustained elevated blood glucose levels, diabetes mellitus has become one of the largest global public health concerns by imposing a heavy global burden on socio-economic development. To date, regular blood glucose level check by performing a finger-prick test has been a routine strategy to monitor diabetes. However, the intrusive nature of finger blood prick tests makes it challenging for individuals to maintain consistent testing routines. Recently, salivary glucose measurement (SGM) has increasingly become a non-invasive alternative to traditional blood glucose testing for diabetes. Despite that, further research is needed to standardize the collection methods and address the issues of variability to ensure accurate and reliable SGM. To resolve possible remaining issues in SGM, we here thoroughly explored saliva sampling strategies that could impact the measurement results. Additionally, the effects of supplements taken, mouth washing, gum chewing, and smoking were collectively analyzed, followed by a continuous SGM over a long period, forming the stepping stone for the practical transitional development of SGM in non-invasive diabetes monitoring. Salivary glucose measurement (SGM) has increasingly become a non-invasive alternative to traditional blood glucose testing for diabetes. To resolve remaining issues, we here thoroughly explored sampling strategies' impacts on SGM.
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salivary glucose measurement
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