Efficiency of bond graph and external model integration for alarm processing of a central air conditioning system

International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences(2020)

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The design of a supervision system based on the external model by structuring the industrial process according to several modes of operation (degraded and normal). The disadvantage of this model is that it describes the industrial process components as functions regardless of their dynamics without going into detail. Hence the interest of the bond graph model to fill the external model limits. The performance of the proposed supervisory system using both models lies in the detection and location of faults for each mode of operation. The bond graph model enriched by the concept of causality and thanks to these structural properties can clearly display the elements of the physical system taking into account their dynamics in normal and abnormal operation. The results of our research have been applied to central air conditioning system; the development of the proposed project has proceeded from the modeling stage to the reconfiguration stage of the system.
alarm processing,bond graph,external model integration
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