Research on Information Security Assessment Method Based on Automated Testing

Honghong Yan,Qianming Zhou,Tao Xue

2023 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS)(2023)

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UI testing is an important part of software testing, as it provides testing integrity and can maximize the discovery of software quality issues. In the software testing process, information security is undoubtedly the most basic requirement. Currently, the most typical UI automation testing tools are Selenium and Uiautomator, where Selenium is mainly used for UI automation testing of web projects and Uiautomator is mainly used for UI automation testing of Android mobile apps. Using Selenium and Uiautomator for UI automation testing often involves simulating various user behaviors through automation scripts to operate the software and discover software vulnerabilities and security risks. During the testing process, the main issues involved are data security and code security. UI automation testing requires the use of real data for testing, such as user accounts, passwords, bank card numbers, and other sensitive information. If these are leaked or tampered with, it can lead to serious losses. Additionally, if there are code vulnerabilities in the testing script code itself, it can result in the testing results being tampered with, affecting the quality of the testing. To address these issues, this paper proposes applying OCR technology to UI automation testing. For sensitive data issues, OCR is used to recognize and obtain the information. For testing results, OCR technology is used to obtain the test result information on the screen. Practical tests have shown that applying OCR technology to actual project testing scenarios can effectively solve data security and code security issues in testing. This solution has high practical value.
test security,UI,OCR,Selenium,Uiautomator
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