Single Photon Quantum Ranging: When Sequential Decoding Meets High Dimensional Entanglement

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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We consider the quantum ranging problem in the low noise level per mode and low reflectivity (high loss) regime. We focus on single photon transmission strategies and propose a novel approach that combines high dimensional time-bin entanglement at the transmitter with a carefully constructed sequential decision rule at the detector. Our analytical results establish the significant performance gains that can be leveraged from this approach in a range of operating parameters, as compared to the single photon classical approach, the two-mode squeezed vacuum ranging scheme proposed earlier, and even the block-based classical scheme. One can attribute this performance gain to 1) the ability of the high dimensional time-bin entangled signaling to offer a very fine range resolution with a single transmitted photon and 2) the ability of the sequential decision rule to minimize the average number of transmitted photon subject to a constraint on the probability of error. While our analysis is limited to the low energy/low noise regime, we conjecture that the proposed approach's superior performance extends to a wider range of scenarios which should motivate further analytical and experimental investigations.
photon quantum,decoding
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