A Large-Scale Candidate-Gene Association Mapping for Drought Tolerance and Agronomic Traits in Sugarcane.

International journal of molecular sciences(2023)

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Dissection of the genetic loci controlling drought tolerance traits with a complex genetic inheritance is important for drought-tolerant sugarcane improvement. In this study, we conducted a large-scale candidate gene association study of 649 candidate genes in a sugarcane diversity panel to identify genetic variants underlying agronomic traits and drought tolerance indices evaluated in plant cane and ratoon cane under water-stressed (WS) and non-stressed (NS) environments. We identified 197 significant marker-trait associations (MTAs) in 141 candidate genes associated with 18 evaluated traits with the Bonferroni correction threshold (α = 0.05). Out of the total, 95 MTAs in 78 candidate genes and 62 MTAs in 58 candidate genes were detected under NS and WS conditions, respectively. Most MTAs were found only in specific water regimes and crop seasons. These MTAs explained 7.93-30.52% of phenotypic variation. Association mapping results revealed that 34, 59, and 104 MTAs involved physiological and molecular adaptation, phytohormone metabolism, and drought-inducible genes. They identified 19 pleiotropic genes associated with more than one trait and many genes related to drought tolerance indices. The genetic and genomic resources identified in this study will enable the combining of yield-related traits and sugar-related traits with agronomic value to optimize the yield of sugarcane cultivars grown under drought-stressed and non-stressed environments.
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Key words
candidate-gene association study,drought tolerance,sugarcane,target enrichment sequencing
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