A Multi-Head Approach with Shuffled Segments for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection.

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision(2024)

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Weakly-supervised video anomaly detection (WS-VAD) is a challenging task because coarse video-level annotations are insufficient to train fine-grained (segment or frame-level) detection algorithms. Multiple instance learning (MIL) powered by a ranking loss between the highest scoring segments of normal and anomaly videos has become the de-facto standard for WS-VAD. However, ranking loss is not robust to noisy segment-level labels (induced from the video-level labels), which is inherently the case in WS settings. In this work, we propose a new variant of the MIL method that utilizes a margin loss to achieve WS-VAD. The margin loss enables effective training of an anomaly scoring head based on noisy segment-level labels with high data imbalance (large number of normal segments and very few anomalous segments). We also introduce a self-supervised learning paradigm via stochastic shuffling of segments from multiple videos to mimic event changes during training. This forces the model to learn the boundaries between different virtual events (through a boundary localization head) and localizing the center of virtual events (through a center localization head). The efficacy of the proposed multi-head approach in successfully localizing anomalies is demonstrated through experiments on two large-scale VAD datasets (UCF-Crime and XD-Violence).
Anomaly Detection,Video Anomaly,Video Anomaly Detection,Marginal Loss,Noisy Labels,Ranking Loss,Normal Segments,Multiple Instance Learning,Local Head,Anomaly Score,Virtual Events,Loss Function,Transition State,Transition Probabilities,Noisy Data,Video Sequences,Sequence Segments,Local Loss,Burglary,Video Dataset,Anomalous Events,Video Segments,Test Videos,Label Noise,Virtual Video,AUC Score,Scene Changes,Individual Head,Pretext Task
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