Employment of individuals with haemophilia in the Netherlands

Social Science & Medicine(1989)

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A study was performed to determine whether improvements in the treatment of haemophilia over the past 20 years have influenced the prospects of these patients in the labour market. Surveys on the medical and social situation of haemophiliacs in The Netherlands were carried out in 1972, 1978 and 1985. Most of the patients participated in these surveys. Trends in employment do not show either an increase in the number of employed haemophiliacs or a decrease in the number administratively defined as disabled. However, considering the influence of the economic recession on the position of the chronically sick on the labour market and the rise in the number administratively defined as disabled in the Dutch population, haemophiliacs perform well. Sick leave has decreased considerably. Although the employment rate for the group of haemophiliacs is lower than that for the general male population, the level of employment in relation to educational achievements is high and most of the employed do not feel limited in their daily job activities by the haemophilia. Physical mobility is a main factor influencing the employment status but other factors, such as the type of occupation or former occupation and prejudice against people with haemophilia, have to be considered.
employment,haemophilia,disability,The Netherlands
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