Enhancing Polymethyl Methacrylate Prostheses for Cranioplasty with Ti Mesh Inlays


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Biocompatible polymers such as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), despite fulfilling biomedical aspects, lack the mechanical strength needed for hard-tissue implant applications. This gap can be closed by using composites with metallic reinforcements, as their adaptable mechanical properties can overcome this problem. Keeping this in mind, novel Ti-mesh-reinforced PMMA composites were developed. The influence of the orientation and volume fraction of the mesh on the mechanical properties of the composites was investigated. The composites were prepared by adding Ti meshes between PMMA layers, cured by hot-pressing above the glass transition temperature of PMMA, where the interdiffusion of PMMA through the spaces in the Ti mesh provided sufficient mechanical clamping and adhesion between the layers. The increase in the volume fraction of Ti led to a tremendous improvement in the mechanical properties of the composites. A significant anisotropic behaviour was analysed depending on the direction of the mesh. Furthermore, the shaping possibilities of these composites were investigated via four-point bending tests. High shaping possibility was found for these composites when they were shaped at elevated temperature. These promising results show the potential of these materials to be used for patient-specific implant applications.
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Key words
PMMA, Ti mesh, metal-mesh-reinforced composite, adapted mechanical properties for implants
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