Comparative Analysis of Dermatoglyphic Traits in Albanian and Roma Populations in Kosovo

Gazmend Temaj, Maja Šetinc, Željka Celinšćak, Edon Behluli,Rifat Hadžiselimović,Hilada Nefić

Journal of bioanthropology(2023)

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We examined dermatoglyphics of children in three Albanian and one Roma population sample (collected from 641 individuals from the Albanian populations and 226 individuals from the Roma population of both sexes). We compared Albanian and Roma populations based on four finger (whorl, radial and ulnar loop, and arch) and thirteen palmar traits (pattern frequencies in the Thenar/I interdigital area, II, III, and IV interdigital area, Hypothenar and axial »t« triradius position). The differences between the populations were more evident for palmar traits. In our study the Albanian and the Roma populations showed the best separation when finger and palmar traits are separately analyzed. As expected, the Albanian and the Roma populations separated in statistical analyses of most traits; the main reason for this is the different origins of two ethnic groups. The observed difference also indicates a low level of admixture between the Albanians and the Roma despite them living beside one another for several centuries.
dermatoglyphic traits,roma populations,albanian,kosovo
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