Comparative Study of 3D Assets Optimization of Virtual Reality Application on VR Standalone Device

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology(2023)

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The progress of VR technology is undeniably rapid and reaches many sectors unrelated to what it first came out of entertainment. Today, many educational, health care, company training, etc., use and utilize VR in one way or another as their first step to familiarize a concept or procedure with their members or workers. The advantages of implementing educational content with VR are ease of development, cheap operational cost, and safety. This kind of approach is a good step considering the impact of VR technology on those cases. However, because the leading device for VR is a standalone VR, some things to consider are performance and visualization. Some early adaptations have these problems, performance issues, and the realism of visualization shown on the VR application. We can minimize those problems by meticulously optimizing 3D assets used in VR applications. The optimization method improved the average FPS on CBIVT by 14.02% on Quest 1 and 8.99% on Quest 2. The GPU utilization level percentage of Quest 1 decreased by 6.73%, and the Quest 2 GPU utilization level percentage decreased by 11.72%. On the other metrics, the user's comfortability also increases because of the enhancement of performance on the CBIVT application. These changes are marked by the increase in Important and Satisfactory levels to 4.26 and 4.16, respectively.
virtual reality application,3d assets optimization,virtual reality,vr
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