Nanofibers’ utility for rejuvenation of heavily contaminated environments

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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Recent advancements in nanotechnology have addressed various environmental contaminants. Functional electrospun nanofibrous membranes have attracted the attention of the scientific community in removal of contaminants from the environment because of their higher specific surface area, ease to functionalize, as well as high porosity of the membrane structure. These properties of the nanofibrous membranes enhance their adsorption efficiency for the contaminants. This chapter highlights the use of nanofibrous membranes in capture of particulate matter, antibacterial activity, and elimination of heavy metal ions, especially Cr (VI) from wastewater. The main objective is to provide insight into the development of electrospun polymeric nanofibrous membranes, functionalization of nanofibrous membranes, their particulate matter filtration, antibacterial activity, and adsorption capacity for Cr (VI) ion and study of adsorption kinetics and isotherms.
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