A Review Paper on Energy Efficient Clustering Schemes for WSN Assisted IOT Networks

Indian Scientific Journal Of Research In Engineering And Management(2023)

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“Abstract”:WSNs have seen a large improvement in their applications in recent years. WSNs are self-organized, non- wired networks that monitor ambient conditions such as temperature, tension, motion, audio, vibration, or contaminants and transmit data. Because of its sensor-based working standards, the WSN is becoming a common topic among numerous investigators. Clustering is a method used in WSNs to extend network lifecycle & provide more effective operating processes. Clustering is a topology management method that can gather nodes to boost efficiency of the network by controlling resources and distributing duties between many nodes in an adequate way. It divides a sensing field into clusters where cluster's sensor node can be appointed as cluster head. The cluster-dependent routing protocol is a very energy-efficient technique of choosing and relaying information to the CH. Optimized clustering could save a significant amount of energy in the system. This review examines a variety of energy-efficient clustering methods utilized in the wireless sensor area. Keywords: WSN, Energy Efficiency, Clustering, Cluster Head, Clustering protocols.
wsn assisted iot networks,energy efficient clustering schemes
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