The manifestation of features of opioids and narcotics using by drug addicted people and the role of replacement pharmacotherapy in treatment and recovery of the patient

ScienceRise. Biological science(2023)

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Aim of the research was to study and analyze the features of opioids and narcotics using by drug addicted people and the role of replacement drugs in treatment and recovery of the patient. Materials and methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies. Were used Systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses. The material of the article was data from the scientific literature, processed and analyzed by generalization and systematization. The scientific research ensues the fundamentals of assessment development of significant reviews. The ensuing databases were used: (for searching considerable literature to study and analyze the features of opioids and narcotics using by drug addiction people and the role of replacement drugs in treatment and recovery of the patient) Pub Med, Web of Science, Clinical key, Tomson Routers, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, and Elsevier bases. Additionally studied national and internationals policy and guidelines and also grey literature. Results: Addiction is well known to be associated with its high level of physical and mental disorders. Most chronic chemical dependencies of drug addiction are also associated with its very high mortality rates, estimated to be several times those of the non-clinical population. Since addictive substances are known to disrupt cell growth and cell division, it can be assumed, that they particularly affect dividing cells, such as stem cell pools and progenitor cells. It is also known, that they either individually or in combination potentiate apoptosis, i.e., contribute to this effect. The medicine of aging in recent times has become an independent scientific discipline. The cellular aging hypothesis suggests the aging phenotype. The organism is associated with cellular correlates of age associated changes including cell loss, reduced cell velocity, renewal and more aging, negligible functional and non-replicating cells in tissues. So, the anti-growth effects of drug addiction can reasonably occur throughout the body. Expect signs of accelerated aging to be evident. One would expect such a putative progeroid effect to occur subject to increased morbidity and mortality rates, clinically observed almost identically in drug addicts as is the case in the geriatric population. In this connection there are various changes, consideration of all clinical aspects’ expression of this general toxicology hypothesis of opioids is needed. Conclusion: Pharmacological management of drug use should be only one component of treatment for drug needs, tailored to a comprehensive needs assessment of the child or young person, carried out in conjunction with appropriate psychological therapy and mental health interventions, and in the context of a clear and applied approach to the clinical management system. Caution is required when leaving these establishments due to the risk of overdose and in the transition to adult services. Physicians should carefully consider the degree of dependence on any substance, especially when alcohol and other substances, such as opiates, are used together. The full implementation of treatment, rehabilitation and harm reduction services will reduce the negative health, social and economic consequences of drug use for individuals, communities and society as a whole. The number of drug users will increase, those involved in counseling, treatment, rehabilitation and harm reduction programs
opioids,replacement pharmacotherapy,narcotics,drug,treatment
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