Spin-flop quasi metamagnetic, anisotropic magnetic, and electrical transport behavior of Ho substituted kagome magnet ErMn6Sn6

Physical Review Materials(2023)

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We report on the magnetic and electrical properties of a ${({\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn})}_{2}$ triangular network kagome structured high quality Ho substituted ${\mathrm{ErMn}}_{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}_{6}$ single-crystal sample by magnetotransport measurements. ${\mathrm{Er}}_{0.5}{\mathrm{Ho}}_{0.5}{\mathrm{Mn}}_{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}_{6}$ orders antiferromagnetically at N\'eel temperature ${T}_{\mathrm{N}}\ensuremath{\sim}350$ K followed by a ferrimagnetic (FiM) transition at ${T}_{\mathrm{C}}\ensuremath{\sim}114$ K and spin-orientation transition at ${T}_{\mathrm{t}}\ensuremath{\sim}20$ K. The field manifestations of these magnetic phases in the $ab$-basal plane and along the $c$ axis are illustrated through temperature-field T-H phase diagrams. In $H\ensuremath{\parallel}c$, narrow hysteresis between spin reorientation and field-induced FiM phases below ${T}_{\mathrm{t}}$, enhanced/strengthened FiM phase below ${T}_{\mathrm{C}}$ and stemming of FiM phase out of strongly coexisting antiferromagnetic and FiM phases below ${T}_{\mathrm{N}}$ through a non-meta-magnetic transition are confirmed to arise from strong $R$-Mn sublattices interaction. In contrast, in the $H\ensuremath{\parallel}ab$ plane, between ${T}_{\mathrm{N}}$ and ${T}_{\mathrm{C}}$, individually contributing $R$-Mn sublattices with weak antiferromagnetic interactions undergo a field-induced spin-flop quasi metamagnetic transition to FiM state. The temperature-dependent electrical resistivity suggests metallic nature with Fermi liquid behavior at low temperatures. Essentially, the current study stimulates interest to investigate the magnetic and electrical properties of mixed rare-earth layered kagome magnetic metals for possible novel and exotic behavior.
kagome metamagnetic,spin-flop
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