Management of Fungal Diseases of Temperate Rice in the Kashmir Valley, India

Ali Anwar, M Najeeb,Shahnaz Efath,Bashir Sabiya, Nisa Qadrul, Wani Fazil Fayaz, N. N. Asha

Journal of plant science and phytopathology(2023)

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Over half of the world's population is fed by rice. It is consumed as a staple food by many countries worldwide. It is affected by a number of diseases among which fungal diseases contribute to its significant loss. Kashmir Valley located in the North Western Himalayan region of India is known for various coarse varieties of rice for their taste and elite class. However, the diseases cause a serious problem for the local farmers as well as the people who also consume rice as their staple food. One of the best remedies for disease management is the adoption of integrated disease management strategies, which include the use of resistant varieties, cultural practices, and judicious use of fungicides. In this review, we present the major fungal diseases affecting rice in Kashmir Valley and their management using Integrated Plant Disease Management (IDM).
fungal diseases,temperate rice,kashmir valley
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