A review of government expenditure on National Plan on Action for Nutrition (NPAN) in Viet Nam during 2017-2020

Tạp chí Khoa học Nghiên cứu Sức khỏe và Phát triển(2023)

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Objective: This study aimed to provide an expenditure review for nutrition activities of the National Plan on Action for Nutrition (NPAN) in Viet Nam during 2017-2020. Method The study was conducted from the government’s perspective and within a time frame of three years from 2017 to 2020. Scale Up Nutrition’ framework for nutrition was used as a reference for the study and an activity-based costing method was applied. Nutrition expenditure was principally categorized into nutrition specific or sensitive spending. Data was collected via public expenditure settlement reports in government portals. Consultation meetings with related stakeholders were conducted to verify the data. Results Spending on nutrition during 2017-2020 from the central budget accounted for 0.03% of total general government spending at national level, while they ranges from 0.04% to 2.25% at sub-national level. Provinces in remote areas and with higher prevalences of stunting in under-5-year-old children tended to have higher nutrition spending. The average government spending on nutrition per capita was estimated at VND80 per capita annually, which accounted for 0.0001% of gross domistic product per capita or 0.0011% of government spending on health. The expenditure for nutrition-sensitive activities was dominant (92%-97%) of the total nutrition expenditure. Conclusion Government spending on nutrition in Viet Nam was very limited during 2017-2020.
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Key words
nutrition,viet nam,government expenditure,national plan,npan
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