Implementation of the basic principles of academic integrity into the educational process of specialists in the specialty 017 physical culture and sports at boris grinchenko kyiv university

Ivanenko Halyna, Yarmoliuk Olena, Musiiachenko Olha

Sportivna nauka ta zdorov'â lûdini(2023)

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Introduction. Due to the constant development of information and communication technologies, we have received an almost unlimited opportunity to search and distribute information. However, this immensity has caused the emergence of such negative consequences as the spread of academic dishonesty in educational and scientific activities. The actualization of issues of academic integrity in the conditions of the distance format of the educational process, which was implemented in Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic and continued due to the establishment of martial law in the country, is also of particular importance. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to pay close attention to the issue of academic integrity to comply with moral and ethical principles both in educational activities in higher education establishments and in the writing of scientific works by scientific and pedagogical workers and students. Aim is to investigate the implementation of the main tasks of academic integrity in the educational process of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports (on the example of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University). Material and methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, documentary sources, systematization and generalization, interrogation. The results. The system of preventing and stopping manifestations of academic dishonesty, which is implemented at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, is characterized. It was determined that this system consists of five interconnected parts. Conclusions. The research made it possible to determine how the main principles of academic integrity are being implemented at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The aspects related to the interaction of teachers and applicants regarding informing about the need to observe academic integrity in their activities were characterized.
academic integrity,physical culture,specialists
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