Designing, Developing, and Validating a Set of Standardized Pictograms to Support Pediatric-Reported Gastroduodenal Symptoms


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Objective To develop and validate a set of static and animated gastroduodenal symptom pictograms for children. Study design There were 3 study phases: 1: cocreation using experience design methods to develop pediatric gastroduodenal symptom pictograms (static and animated); 2: an online survey to assess acceptability, as well as face and content validity; and 3: a preference study. Phases 2 and 3 compared the novel pediatric pictograms with existing pictograms used with adult patients. Results Eight children aged 6-15 years (5 female) participated in phase 1, and 69 children in phase 2 (median age 13 years: IQR 9-15); an additional 49 participants were included in phase 3 (median age 15: IQR 12-17). Face and content validity were higher for the pediatric static and animated pictogram sets compared with pre-existing adult pictograms (78% vs 78% vs 61%). Participants with worse gastric symptoms had superior comprehension of the pediatric pictograms (X-2 [8, N = 118] P < .001). All participants preferred the pediatric static pictogram set was over both the animated and adult sets (X-2 [2, N = 118] P < .001). Conclusions The cocreation phase resulted in the symptom concept confirmation and design of 10 acceptable static and animated gastroduodenal pictograms with high face and content validity when evaluated with children aged 6-18. Validity was superior when children reported more problematic symptoms. Therefore, these pictograms could be used in clinical and research practice to enable standardized symptom reporting for children with gastroduodenal disorders.
pictograms,gastroduodenal disorders,FGID,DGBI,children,young people,gastric symptoms,symptom monitoring
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