Observational predictions of inflationary model in spatially covariant gravity with two tensorial degrees of freedom for gravity

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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We study the inflationary model constructed from a Spatially Covariant Gravity (SCG). The Lagrangian for the SCG in our consideration is expressed as the polynomial of irreducible SCG monomials where the total number of derivatives of each monomial is two, and the theory propagates two tensorial degrees of freedom of gravity up to the first order in cosmological perturbations. The condition for having two tensorial degrees of freedom studied earlier in literature for such theories is derived in vacuum. We extend the condition for having two tensorial degrees of freedom to the case where a scalar field is included by imposing a gauge-fixing. We apply the resulting SCG to describe inflationary universe. The observational predictions such as the scalar spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio from this model are investigated. We find that the tensor-to-scalar ratio in this model can either be in the order of unity or be small depending on the parameter of the model.
inflationary model,gravity,tensorial degrees,observational predictions
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