Uniform hyperbolicity of a class of scattering maps


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In recent years fractal Weyl laws and related quantum eigenfunction hypothesis have been studied in a plethora of numerical model systems, called quantum maps. In some models studied there one can easily prove uniform hyperbolicity. Yet, a numerically sound method for computing quantum resonance states, did not exist. To address this challenge, we recently introduced a new class of quantum maps. For these quantum maps, we showed that, quantum resonance states can numerically be computed using theoretically grounded methods such as complex scaling or weak absorbing potentials. However, proving uniform hyperbolicty for this class of quantum maps was not straight forward. Going beyond that work this article generalizes the class of scattering maps and provides mathematical proofs for their uniform hyperbolicity. In particular, we show that the suggested class of two-dimensional symplectic scattering maps satisfies the topological horseshoe condition and uniform hyperbolicity. In order to prove these properties, we follow the procedure developed in the paper by Devaney and Nitecki. Specifically, uniform hyperbolicity is shown by identifying a proper region in which the non-wandering set satisfies a sufficient condition to have the so-called sector bundle or cone field. Since no quantum map is known where both a proof of uniform hyperbolicity and a methodologically sound method for numerically computing quantum resonance states exist simultaneously, the present result should be valuable to further test fractal Weyl laws and related topics such as chaotic eigenfunction hypothesis.
topological horseshoe, uniform hyperbolicity, fractal Weyl law, scattering map, Conley-Moser conditions, sector condition
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