
An Uncertainty Analysis Method Based on a Globally Optimal Truth Discovery Model for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping

Mathematical Geosciences(2024)

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Geographic information system-based mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) aims to generate targets by combining multiple proxy layers containing geology, geochemistry, and geophysics information based on an available understanding of geological processes and translating it into critical targeting criteria. However, factors such as an imperfect geological understanding with numerous heuristic natures and intrinsic biases, the inaccuracy and sparsity of datasets, and multiple selections of predictive methods adversely affect the results of MPM and jeopardize the reliability of decision-making in exploration. Thus, a series of knowledge-driven and data-driven MPM approaches to counterbalance these disadvantages have been proposed. Uncertainty is defined as a metric of the various scales of the likelihood and consequences, which is helpful to quantitatively represent the above risks. In this paper, the uncertainty in the final three-dimensional prospectivity map is analyzed and interpreted in terms of quantification, visualization, and comparison of different predictive approaches, and a novel technology is proposed based on a (1 + ε ) approximate global optimum strategy derived from the truth discovery society. It outputs the globally optimal truth ( p* ) as the overall mathematical expectation and a set of weights {w_i } as the representation of reliability. Here, a previous study of the Haoyaoerhudong gold deposit, which is one of the largest black-rock-series-type gold mines in China, was reevaluated. The method demonstrated the following advantages: (i) sorted the reliability of potential models built by multiple predictive variables and different mathematical methods, (ii) provided a “best-guess-decision” prospectivity result by combining the best reliability model from {w_i } and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the risk–return model, and (iii) provided a statistically final uncertainty model by combining p* and risk information.
Uncertainty,Global optimum,Truth discovery,Three-dimensional modeling,Gold deposit
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