Ruthenium metallodendrimer against triple-negative breast cancer in mice.

Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine(2023)

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Carbosilane metallodendrimers, based on the arene Ru(II) complex (CRD13) and integrated to imino-pyridine surface groups have been investigated as an anticancer agent in a mouse model with triple-negative breast cancer. The dendrimer entered into the cells efficiently, and exhibited selective toxicity for 4T1 cells. In vivo investigations proved that a local injection of CRD13 caused a reduction of tumour mass and was non-toxic. ICP analyses indicated that Ru(II) accumulated in all tested tissues with a greater content detected in the tumour.
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Ruthenium metallodendrimer,Anticancer agent,Toxicity,Tumour weight,In vivo
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