Long-molecule scars of backup DNA repair in BRCA1- and BRCA2-deficient cancers


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Homologous recombination (HR) deficiency is associated with DNA rearrangements and cytogenetic aberrations 1 . Paradoxically, the types of DNA rearrangements that are specifically associated with HR-deficient cancers only minimally affect chromosomal structure 2 . Here, to address this apparent contradiction, we combined genome-graph analysis of short-read whole-genome sequencing (WGS) profiles across thousands of tumours with deep linked-read WGS of 46 BRCA1- or BRCA2 -mutant breast cancers. These data revealed a distinct class of HR-deficiency-enriched rearrangements called reciprocal pairs. Linked-read WGS showed that reciprocal pairs with identical rearrangement orientations gave rise to one of two distinct chromosomal outcomes, distinguishable only with long-molecule data. Whereas one ( cis ) outcome corresponded to the copying and pasting of a small segment to a distant site, a second ( trans ) outcome was a quasi-balanced translocation or multi-megabase inversion with substantial (10 kb) duplications at each junction. We propose an HR-independent replication-restart repair mechanism to explain the full spectrum of reciprocal pair outcomes. Linked-read WGS also identified single-strand annealing as a repair pathway that is specific to BRCA2 deficiency in human cancers. Integrating these features in a classifier improved discrimination between BRCA1- and BRCA2-deficient genomes. In conclusion, our data reveal classes of rearrangements that are specific to BRCA1 or BRCA2 deficiency as a source of cytogenetic aberrations in HR-deficient cells.
backup dna repair,dna repair,cancers,long-molecule
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