[Characterization of the drug supply in Argentina].


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INTRODUCTION:Knowing the characteristics of the pharmaceutical market allows obtaining sensitive information to understand the supply, demand and access of the population to medicines. In order to provide primary data regarding the marketing of drugs in Argentina, the following research was performed. METHOD:This is a cross-sectional quantitative-qualitative descriptive study of the Argentine pharmaceutical market, taking into account 30 years of official information provided by the National Regulatory Agency (ANMAT). RESULTS:Two hundred and sixteen laboratories (182 national) drug producers / importers, 53 distributors and 479 drugstores (wholesale drug distribution establishments) were identified. A high concentration of marketing was detected, grouping 90% in only 5 intermediaries. There are currently 6670 products/certificates in the country, an amount that fluctuated over the last 30 years. Six laboratories are owners of between 116 and 208 certificates; 84% of these products come from national laboratories, 5002 are mono-drugs, while 83% are marketed under a fancy name. The three main indications for which the registration of drugs in Argentina is intended are diseases of digestive system, nervous system and infectious diseases; 58% of the marketed products consist of oral formulations. DISCUSSION:Based on data provided by this study, it is possible to assert that the Argentinian pharmaceutical market has a majority share of national capital, with a great concentration in a few pharmaceutical companies and distributors. The products are mostly available as non-combined drugs, in their oral form, and available by their brand names.
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