Structural enzymology of iterative type I polyketide synthases: various routes to catalytic programming.

Natural product reports(2023)

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Time span of literature covered: up to mid-2023Iterative type I polyketide synthases (iPKSs) are outstanding natural chemists: megaenzymes that repeatedly utilize their catalytic domains to synthesize complex natural products with diverse bioactivities. Perhaps the most fascinating but least understood question about type I iPKSs is how they perform the iterative yet programmed reactions in which the usage of domain combinations varies during the synthetic cycle. The programmed patterns are fulfilled by multiple factors, and strongly influence the complexity of the resulting natural products. This article reviews selected reports on the structural enzymology of iPKSs, focusing on the individual domain structures followed by highlighting the representative programming activities that each domain may contribute.
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Key words
structural enzymology,catalytic programming,polyketide,iterative type
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