Ensuring the future of otitis media research: Interest in and feasibility of a mentoring network program within the otitis media research community.

International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology(2023)

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OBJECTIVES:The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility of the implementation of a mentoring network program based on expressed interest and the diverse composition of the otitis media research community in order to address attrition of the scientific workforce. METHODS:An online survey was sent to basic, translational, and clinical researchers with a known interest in otitis media. RESULTS:Of 509 eligible participants, 119 (23.4%) responded to the survey. Survey respondents had a diverse background by completed education, current job description, and membership in an underrepresented group in science. Most faculty respondents (76.4%) were willing to participate in the proposed program as mentors and faculty lecturers, or had early-career researchers or trainees in their research group who were willing to participate as mentees in the mentoring network. Scientific and non-scientific topics for inclusion in the training program were ranked, with immunology and inflammation, microbiology, science leadership and collaboration, mentoring, and grantsmanship as main foci of interest among respondents. CONCLUSION:Our survey results showed enthusiastic participation among responding otitis media researchers, indicating the feasibility of implementing a mentoring network program that will address workforce attrition, particularly among underrepresented groups in science.
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