A Casimir operator for a Calogero W algebra


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We investigate the nonlinear algebra W 3 generated by the 9 functionally independent permutation-symmetric operators in the three-particle rational quantum Calogero model. Decoupling the center of mass, we pass to a smaller algebra W3 ' generated by 7 operators, which fall into a spin-1 and a spin- 3/2 representation of the conformal sl(2) subalgebra. The commutators of the spin- 3/2 generators with each other are quadratic in the spin-1 generators, with a central term depending on the Calogero coupling. One expects this algebra to feature three Casimir operators, and we construct the lowest one explicitly in terms of Weyl-ordered products of the 7 generators. It is a polynomial of degree 6 in these generators, with coefficients being up to quartic in PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI and quadratic polynomials in the Calogero coupling PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI2g(g-1) . Putting back the center of mass, our Casimir operator for W 3 is a degree-9 polynomial in the 9 generators. The computations require the evaluation of nested Weyl orderings. The classical and free-particle limits are also given. Our scheme can be extended to any finite number N of Calogero particles and the corresponding nonlinear algebras WN and WN ' .
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Key words
Calogero model,Casimir operator,W algebra
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