FastLLVE: Real-Time Low-Light Video Enhancement with Intensity-Aware Look-Up Table


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Low-Light Video Enhancement (LLVE) has received considerable attention in recent years. One of the critical requirements of LLVE is inter-frame brightness consistency, which is essential for maintaining the temporal coherence of the enhanced video. However, most existing single-image-based methods fail to address this issue, resulting in flickering effect that degrades the overall quality after enhancement. Moreover, 3D Convolution Neural Network (CNN)-based methods, which are designed for video to maintain inter-frame consistency, are computationally expensive, making them impractical for real-time applications. To address these issues, we propose an efficient pipeline named FastLLVE that leverages the Look-Up-Table (LUT) technique to maintain inter-frame brightness consistency effectively. Specifically, we design a learnable Intensity-Aware LUT (IA-LUT) module for adaptive enhancement, which addresses the low-dynamic problem in low-light scenarios. This enables FastLLVE to perform low-latency and low-complexity enhancement operations while maintaining high-quality results. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method achieves the State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) performance in terms of both image quality and inter-frame brightness consistency. More importantly, our FastLLVE can process 1,080p videos at 50+ Frames Per Second (FPS), which is 2 X faster than SOTA CNN-based methods in inference time, making it a promising solution for real-time applications. The code is available at
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